Friday, April 30, 2010

Sweet or Creepy?

One day I was watching TV with my sister and a commercial came on. (Yes I know I ended on a preposition. ) I thought it was immensely creepy and she thought it was sweet. This is apparently just as fine a line as the genius/madness one, and once I noticed that it became a fun little mental game. So what do you think people? Sweet or creepy:

How about this one?:

Maybe I'm over thinking it, but there are a lot of examples of this starting with the stories we tell kids, really, Prince Charmings kissing sleeping girls all over the place is not exactly conducive to establishing good interpersonal skills in kids, also many of the plots in romantic comedies and songs (everyone agrees that Every breath you take by Sting crossed that line, right?) blur it, because while some guy chasing a girl around in a movie because of true love seems sweet, in real life it's stalking which is definitely creepy.


I lack the attention span for a blog devoted to just one topic. I barely made it through the study abroad blogs I did for my family, and I wrote significantly more in Ireland where I had to schlep about 2 miles to the computer lab than I did in Japan because I was travelling around so much more and felt like I had more to write about. (Well that's my theory, I also only had class 2 days a week there which might have helped). I  also hate writing at this point due to way too many years of school (from a bachelors straight through to a MLIS program.) This makes me sad since when I was little I loved to write. I was bad at it, but it was fun. So I'm going to do a blog on things I find interesting. Hopefully this will make me stick with it as I can have my pick of any topic I like, and I like a lot of things. Plus I'm not being graded or writing huge papers on subjects I hate/don't really understand. So, with apologies to my younger self for letting myself get so bitter about something I used to enjoy, here's my first post.