Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dr. Who Girl

My geek training began young, one of my first memories is of being evacuated from a hotel due to a smoke bomb and standing around the pool with all the Klingons there for the Star Trek convention. I knew what they were though because I watched Star Trek at home with my dad and had a huge crush on Jordy (he was also on Reading Rainbow <3). We had X-Men cartoons on VHS and used to watch them on Friday nights. I had an Ewok treehouse, an iceman doll (which was awesome, he had a tray you put water in and then stuck in the freezer, and then you could skate him around on tiles. My mom hated him because of those little water trails, and my brother eventually broke his head off), and once I begged some scraps of faux fur off my mom to make myself a set of tribbles. I had more usual toys too, but those are some that I played with the most.

While I may have initially been started on this path by my dad, I continued because I love this stuff. Admittedly, there are some areas I don't really embrace, for example, my video game love ends at Wii and DS (Mine's pink and if my mom asks I got it for the Japanese-English dictionary) with the occasional attempt to finish off the Kingdom Hearts series on PS2. I also prefer graphic novels to comic books, mostly because I can't be bothered to keep publication dates sorted, or for that matter house all those loose comics, and while I still have a soft spot for X-Men I much prefer Castle Waiting.
On the other hand I spent a considerable amount of time in college watching Star Trek, Firefly, and various animes with friends, and while I was in Ireland developed a love of Doctor Who which is still with me. A lot of people still think that being a geek is a bad thing, but I don't understand why. A slight tendency to get overexcited about things like Terry Pratchett references has helped me make friends and have really interesting conversations with people I might otherwise not have gotten to know.

1 comment:

  1. I the image of standing around a pool with Klingons! :D
