While I may have initially been started on this path by my dad, I continued because I love this stuff. Admittedly, there are some areas I don't really embrace, for example, my video game love ends at Wii and DS (Mine's pink and if my mom asks I got it for the Japanese-English dictionary) with the occasional attempt to finish off the Kingdom Hearts series on PS2. I also prefer graphic novels to comic books, mostly because I can't be bothered to keep publication dates sorted, or for that matter house all those loose comics, and while I still have a soft spot for X-Men I much prefer Castle Waiting
On the other hand I spent a considerable amount of time in college watching Star Trek, Firefly, and various animes with friends, and while I was in Ireland developed a love of Doctor Who which is still with me. A lot of people still think that being a geek is a bad thing, but I don't understand why. A slight tendency to get overexcited about things like Terry Pratchett references has helped me make friends and have really interesting conversations with people I might otherwise not have gotten to know.
I love.love.love the image of standing around a pool with Klingons! :D