Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sidebar on ads.

I get the RSS feed of this to make sure that it's working that way, and for some reason the Amazon link + image for the Carl books isn't working for the book post, but everything else is, weird. Also the ads for the Sweet or Creepy post on my feed are one for kids socks, and one for mail order brides. I'm not quite sure how that post pulled those two, the toys one pulled much better adds, Starzbunnies, American Girl Dolls (I still have my Samantha and Felicity and my sister has Addy. We like to tease my little cousin because hers are Mattel and ours are originals.), A dollhouse store (which is neat but not really related to my childhood experiences unless you count digital dollhouses, which I had a couple of different computer programs for making and playing with them), and for a site called pornokitsch which is about sci fic and not porn so actually appropriate to the topic.
Most of the other ads were at least related, for example the Kelly/Astaire post got ads on dancing lessons, and the book post got ads on writing, but most of those weren't particularly interesting to me so no post for them.  

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