qawwali and qoff are nice, but depend on how strict your interpretation of the rules is.
I also love the word Tmesis, mostly as a trap for non English majors. Yay! for double turns.
I heard recently that the new Edition of Scrabble is going to allow proper names, and frankly, no. It must be stopped. That would make it much, much too easy. No proper names and you choose one language and stick with it are the only rules in my house. (Well, and no playing newcomers or children for cash) Preferably a language both players know. Possibly this would be a good excuse/way to learn Esperanto. Anyways, much as I love scrabble I tend to get frustrated with digital versions, as they never accept perfectly legitimate words as being real. I have tried a whole variety of them and they all have this issue. I would quite like the Oxford English Dictionary
(Isn't it odd how many different versions there are of this game considering what a simple concept it is.)
Ugh I agree - no proper nouns please! I love, love, love playing scrabble and I do play a pretty kick ass game, if I may say so myself. Before I moved cities, some friends and I used to play a scrabble drinking game which certainly made things very interesting.