I love them both, but not quite equally. My dad is on the Gene Kelly side, and in our occasional debates I'm more for Fred Astaire. Admittedly my basis of preference is more along the lines of who I would rather dance with (if I actually could dance outside of my imagination that is) and while Gene Kelly does those neat lifts, I really don't think I'd like being thrown around that much as I tend to bruise easily and have no pain threshold. Plus I'm watching these movies on TV and I think Astaire movies work a little better on the small screen. Plus Astaire did more dancing solo and got better songs.
With the exception of Singing in the Rain which I do love (especially the dance up the wall, I wanted to learn how to do that so much as a kid).
And of course there's Ginger Rogers who I love even outside of her partnership with Fred Astaire although of course them together is pretty awesome. (Plus she had the coolest clothes.)
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